The ancient Egyptian pyramids

The ancient Egyptian pyramids

The pyramids extend from Abu Rawash in Giza to Hawara on the outskirts of Fayoum.  They are royal buildings built by the ancient Egyptians in the period 2630 BC.  Until the year 1530 BC.  Its construction went from a gradual pyramid like the pyramid of Djoser (3630 BC - 2611 BC) in Saqqara to a tilted pyramid and then to the well-known complete pyramid shape represented by the pyramids of Giza.  The pyramids were built in order to preserve the mummy of Pharaoh and help him in his journey to the afterlife and his ascension to heaven.  King Khufu built the Great Pyramid to be buried in it, and the ancient Egyptians believed that the king’s spirit would continue to take care of them even after their death, then it ascended to heaven and joined the rest of the gods.  Then he can take care of the living on earth by sending the flood of the Nile, grow and prosper, and prevent evil from them.

 During the Old Kingdom (2585 BC - 1640 BC), Egyptian priests and artists used hieroglyphs on the walls of the burial chamber of the royal mummy texts that were instructions and hymns recited before the gods when he moved to the other world, and spells to guard him in his passage beyond the worldly life.  These texts were known as Pyramid Texts.  During the Old Kingdom, the large pyramids were built of stone, but with time their size decreased.  Because it was expensive, all subsequent pyramids were built smaller than the pyramid of Khufu.  That is why we find in the Middle Kingdom (2630 BC - 1640 BC) that was built with bricks of mud made of clay and straw.  The four pyramids were perpendicular to the four original geographic directions (north, south, east and west).  Most of the pyramids were built in the desert west of the Nile, where the sun sets behind them.  Because the ancient Egyptians believed that the spirit of the dead king left his body to travel in the sky with the sun every day.  When the sun sets towards the west, the royal spirit returns to its tomb in the pyramid to renew itself.  The entrances to the pyramids were in the middle of the northern facade of the pyramid.  In Egypt there are more than 100 pyramids built in various eras.

 Over a period of nearly 1,500 years, 118 pyramids were constructed by 20,000 to 30,000 Egyptian workers, serving the 
pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

The pyramid of Djoser
The pyramid of Djoser, the pyramid of Saqqara, or the step pyramid is an archaeological landmark in the Saqqara necropolis northwest of the ancient city of Memphis in Egypt.  Built during the 27th century BC for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser.  Built for him by his minister Imhotep.  The engineer and physician Amhotep was the principal architect of the vast funerary complex in the pyramid's courtyard and the surrounding ceremonial structures.
 The first Egyptian pyramid consisted of six mastabas built on top of each other, something that represented a tremendous development in the design of tombs in that era when one mastaba was only satisfied.  The step pyramid of Djoser is 62 meters (203 feet) high, with a base area of ​​109 meters x 125 meters (358 feet x 410 feet), and was covered in polished white limestone.  The step pyramid is considered the first stone structure of its time, although the courthouses known as the Director's Bridge appear to have preceded the construction of the pyramid.

The pyramid of Meidum
The pyramid of Meidum was built during the Old Kingdom during the reign of King Senefru of the Fourth Dynasty in Meidum (2620 BC);  It currently shows three terraces, and it was the fifth largest pyramids of Egypt when it was built.  It seems that this pyramid was not intended to be a tomb for Senefru, but rather to be a cemetery or a false pyramid.

The tilted pyramid of Senefru 

The tilted pyramid of Senefru is one of the pyramids of Egypt and one of the three pyramids built by Senefru called the tilted pyramid, where he started building the pyramid to ascend at an angle of 58 degrees, and when the pyramid building reached almost half its height, it was decided to build the upper part at an angle of 43 degrees.  This technology helped Senefru and his engineers build a complete pyramid with a new technology in Meidum called the Red Pyramid.

 The Red Pyramid is the highest of the three main pyramids in Dahshur and its name is red due to the red rust layer above its stones, and it is the third largest Egyptian pyramid after the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre, which were built after that in the city of Giza.  The Red Pyramid at the time of its construction was the tallest stone building in the world.  And locals call it the bat pyramid.
The pyramid of Khafre
 The pyramid of Khafre is one of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.  It was built by King Khafre, fourth king of the fourth family, son of King Khufu.  He married Princess Ankh berths.  The rule of twenty-six years.  The second pyramid was built from the pyramids of Giza, and it is lower than the pyramid of his father (Khufu).  Its height was 143 meters and now 136 meters.

 The pyramid of Menkaure, or the pyramid of King Menkaure, is one of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. It was built by King Menkaure, son of King Khafre.  Each of its ribs is 108.5 meters long and 65.5 meters high, and now 62 meters after its outer covering has fallen.

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